Contact information

Billing address

Choose a pricing option

  • Preferred option
    Connect + Cultivate Membership$129.00/mo
  • Preferred option
    Connect + Cultivate Vendor Partner Membership (Limited)$250.00/mo
  • Preferred option
    One-time Content Pop Up Ticket ($129.00)$149.00
  • Preferred option
    Annual Membership with KILLER savings$1200.00/yr

Payment information

You will not be charged for this purchase, but if you choose to make an optional purchase later, this card info will be used to complete that transaction!

Connect + Cultivate Membership$0


  • Total payment
  • 1xConnect + Cultivate Membership$0

All prices in USD

  • Is this open to any Industry?
    YES YES YES! This is the group for any entrepreneur who believes in networking & content.

    We do have some bonus add on's for Real Estate agents but welcome insurance agents, financial planners, beauty professionals, event planners, PR specialists, Marketing Professionals, Business Owners, Sales Reps and the list goes on!
  • When & Where?
    Content Pop ups are the 4th Wednesday of each month from 11am-1pm. Location is sent to members via email.

    Email Marketing meetups are virtual and help bi monthly

    There are 4 annual workshops + Members are emailed and info is shared on social.

    Ladies nights are also notified as planned with at least 4 annually.
  • May I bring a friend/colleague to content pop up?
    Yes! But you MUST be sure they purchase an event ticket. Each Content Pop up will be open to guests for a $149 one time ticket. Links can be found on our site, social and member emails.
  • How do I cancel?
    Just log into your Customer HUB

    Head to your transactions area and locate the subscription you want to cancel.
    Once you’ve located the transaction, you’ll need to click on the Manage button.
    You’ll then be presented with the modal window with the choice of either cancelling your subscription entirely or, pausing your subscription.

    As you’re looking at cancelling your subscription. You will choose the Cancel option. Then click Go.

    You’ll be informed that this action will permanently cancel the subscription and that it cannot be reversed. If you are happy to continue you will need to click the Cancel subscription button.

    We hate to see you go but make it simple if its the right choice for you.
  • Is there a contract term?
    NOPE but the ROI on this investment is INSANE and if you cancel and prices go up we cannot honor current pricing.
